Cupid’s Workshop

I signed up for Lisa Pace’s Cupid’s Workshop.

She has some fun ideas and so far I have made cards and started a bird project. I hope to have the bird finished by tomorrow so I can post it.

I have been busy making Valentine cards but just can’t seem to get around to taking pictures and posting them. The sun was shining so bright when I took these that there are some bad shadows…. but you get the idea anyway.

My school is having a party tonight at a local tavern, so I am off to get ready. It should be fun, but interesting. I am one of the few English speaking faculty members at my school so we will see how it goes with everyone else speaking Spanish. I am used to it and can understand some of what they are saying but it will be different for DH. After a few beers he probably won’t care 🙂

bluebird-valentine   pink-heart-valentine 



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