I am playing along with a new challenge today. This is the Merry Monday #264 challenge, all about Christmas cards and getting a head start on the Christmas season. I am always looking for new ideas for Christmas cards and getting cards made early is even better.

The challenge this week is Red and Kraft. These are some of my favorite colors to use on a Christmas card.

I wanted to play along but I am strapped for time  getting ready for OnStage Stampin’ Up Convention. So….I took the easy way out. I used the Merry Little Christmas Memories & More Card Pack. How cute is that Ho Ho Ho panel??? This was the perfect way to save time and still get to play along. That’s not cheating is it? I sure hope not!

Check back for updates about OnStage and the new catalog. We can’t share just yet, but I know it will be full of amazing new products.

Thanks for stopping by today. Happy Stamping!



If you are in the United States and need a demonstrator, then you can order your supplies in my online store here.


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