Our last week in Paris…..these past three months have been wonderful…. But we are ready to return home.
Last Sunday we got an early start so we decided to walk to church. We have been attending church at The American Cathedral In Paris. It was a lovely service with a children’s sermon about Epiphany. The children were very animated and involved in helping the Wise Men “find Jesus.”
After a quick lunch we got on the Metro to visit a Brocante market. We struck out on finding this one. Apparently we are not very good at finding these markets. We have managed to find 2 out of 4 advertised markets on this trip.
After the failed flea market trip we decided to return to the Cluny to see The Lady and the Unicorn. The tapestry was touring in Korea when we visited last month. It was well worth the return visit. The colors of the refurbished tapestry were stunning.
We stopped by the Louis Vuitton store for a photo shoot. People line up very early in the morning to get a shopping time at this store. I’m not sure why because everything is beyond my budget. But it was great fun to look.
Later in the week we visited the Cartier Exhibit at The Grand Palais. The exhibit covered the history of Cartier and Cartier’s influence on the decorative arts. The display of all jewels, dresses, and memorabilia was exquisite. I especially loved all the tiaras.
We have continued to get up and walk every morning. The weather at home has been bitterly cold at the beginning of the week and today was wet and warm with tornado warnings. The weather here has been beautiful. The trees even think it is spring time. The cherry blossoms are blooming as well as many other shrubs and trees. We had hoped to see snow. Maybe it will snow in Georgia!
Tomorrow we are going to church and then visiting the Jacquemart-André Museum. We have heard this museum has beautiful displays and a nice cafeteria….brunch for us!
Our flight home is Monday afternoon so I don’t plan to post again until we get settled in at home….Excited!
Thanks for stopping by today!