I can’t believe it

I think Spring may be on the way. It isn’t raining and it is supposed to be 70 degrees today. I am not even going to listen to the news when they say it is going to rain Sunday. I am not going to let that happen! I did hear on the radio that we had more bad weather days in Georgia than they had in Alaska. That is amazing…. So much for living in the sunny south.

Yesterday my crafty friends got together and we created some fun and fancy fold cards. It is always a good idea to mix things up. Your friends will love getting cards that are non-traditional. When I sent this easel card to a friend I even got a phone call about how neat it was. Go ahead….. Make one of your friends happy and send them a card today. E-mail is great but I love to get a card in the mail, it is like getting a small gift even though it isn’t Christmas or my birthday.

Thanks for stopping by today.

This makes me happy

It seems like we have not had much happy news around here lately. Two funerals and one very sick friend have been weighing on us. And the south has had some crazy grey and rainy days. I am ready for spring big time. But when I made this card it just made me laugh. It makes me smile and everyone needs to smile don’t they? Enjoy!

Here are some of the cards from my Easter card class. Some of my stampers and I got together last week and made these cards.  I have a lot of fun and creative ladies in my classes and they all seem to get along so well. It sure makes teaching classes easy for me.

The tall pink card was great for using up scraps. I try to make every tiny piece of paper count. Don’t you?

Thanks for stopping by today.